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Contact OS

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Talk to OS

We’re here to help you learn how to manage your money. Anything you want to know more about let us know and we’ll try to add it to our site.


How can I save money?

Most people could save money by comparing prices of their current providers with a panel of providers

Can I ask Eman a question?

Sure, just email us at

Do you have podcasts?

Yes, we plan to have them every month and we’ll put links on the site and in our newsletter – so don’t miss out

How do I contact you?

You can contact us at


Are you open to new partners?

Yes, we’re keen to hear from partners – email us at

Are you looking for new Deals?

We’re always on the lookout for new Deals to save working people money – email us at

Are you open to Feedback?

Absolutely, we would love to hear from you – email us at