Earn more for the same job
Its a well known fact that some sectors pay more than others. However the question you should ask yourself is could I move job sector to earn more from the skills I have? A bit of research can show you that you could be paid more for doing exactly the same job just in a different sector of the market.
Sectors that pay more
Financial services jobs often pay more than retail services jobs – and you don’t have to be a financial guru to earn more, it’s usually across all roles. For example, if you were a PA or a compliance manager in retail, you’re likely to earn less than someone doing the same job in a financial services company.
So check out sectors that pay the most for your particular role to boost your income.
High paying sectors in the UK
Financial services
covers bank, insurance and any company engaged in offering consumers financial services. This includes new fintechs like Revolut and marketplaces like Compare the Market and Money Super Market.
covers software, AI and technology based businesses, This includes high growth businesses like Apple, Google and Meta (who own Instagram & Facebook).
covers research and development of new drugs and medicines. This includes companies like GSK and Pfitzer often referred to as Pharma.
covers Oil, Gas and renewable energy companies. This includes big players like Shell and EDF.
includes a range of legal professionals. They need support services and often pay a premium for these roles.
Tips when moving sector
Move to better paid sectors
Not only can you earn more in better paid sectors, you will get better salary increases. So take you skills to the sectors where you can earn more for doing the same job.
Don’t be afraid of new sectors
Most skills we have in a job are transferable and moving sector proves this point. What holds many people back is they think they can only work in a sector they already have experience. This is simply not true. Yes there may be some specific terminology that’s different but many roles remain the same regardless of sector. So be bold and make your move to better paid sectors of the market.
Find people who’ve moved
Use contacts or linkedin to reach out to people who have moved sector. They will help to boost your confidence in applying for roles in new sectors.
Moving sectors pays
Yes, moving sectors can earn you more and broaden your experience making you more employable in the future.
This information is intended for editorial purposes only and not intended as a recommendation or financial advice